June 14, 2008

Magic Mirror socks

61108dHere is pair #4 for the 52 Pair Plunge. As long as I'm still having fun, socks will keep on coming at this pace. The socks aren't getting old or repetitive as long as I keep doing interesting patterns or challenging myself to come up with a pattern of my own. This pair is one of my own and I LOVE it. The charts that I made for these socks are huge and I wasn't sure if the curves would come out smooth. When I started these socks, they do look large from the lace sections and the twisted ribbing. After knitting the foot, it starts to pull in and become a very snug, stretchy sock. I think that this sock should fit a wide variety of foot sizes.

These were knit at the same time on one needle. That was interesting and challenging for my brain. Since I wanted the socks to mirror each other, I had to follow one chart for one sock and then a different chart for the other. Some knitters might even be able to flip the chart in their head. I didn't want to try that because ripping or tinking back on magic loop is a pain. ;-)

Pair 4 for the 52 Pair Plunge 2.
Yarn: Knit Picks Essential in Pumpkin (used 72 gms)
Needle: size 0 (2mm) Knit Picks Classic Circular
Method: magic loop, 2 at once, toe-up, Turkish cast-on, short row heel
Pattern: Magic Mirror socks
Start: June 8, 2008
Finish: June 11, 2008

I think that I've gotten used to taking a picture of the backs of my own legs. These socks were posted to ravelry already and the response has been huge. Thanks to everyone for all of the nice compliments. That lit a fire under me and I was determined to get this pattern out quickly. It still wasn't as quick as I wanted. I had to argue with word, excel, the pdf converter, and photoshop. That was mostly me trying to experiment in many ways to keep the file size reasonable.

Now that I have one pattern done, I have a few others here that will be written up some time soon.


Dave said...

These are wonderful -- thanks so much for sharing the pattern!!

Laurie said...

I am new to sock knitting (4 pairs down & working on my 5th pair) and decided to join the 52 Pair Plunge. I just want to let you know that you have really inspired me. Your designs are amazing. Thank you for sharing your pattern.

Vicki said...

These are really beautiful socks - you did an amazing job with them. Thank you SO much for writing and sharing the pattern!

Cindy said...

Thank you so much for sharing this gorgeous pattern!

Anonymous said...

I can't knit, but those socks are really neat! Great job creating the pattern!

Monika said...

I was admiring these socks on ravelry already. Now you offer them as free pattern, how wonderful!

Tante J said...

OMG! I am so excited that you posted the pattern. I've been ogling them since you posted them to Ravelry. Thanks!

Jenneke said...

They are fabulous! Love the way these socks mirror eachother. These might just become the next pair on my needles!

Melly said...

Great socks! Just wonderful!
I have downloaded the pattern and printed it straight away, thanks for providing this pattern for free!

love and hugs

Umme Yusuf said...

These are great. Thanks for the pattern. I would love to make them some day.

|chee-uh| said...

They look great and are a nice change from the usual. Can't wait for more.

Michelle said...

Beautiful socks -- thanks for making the pattern available!

Anonymous said...

thank you for keeping this gorgeous pattern free! they are truly amazing socks.

-CharmEng89 on ravelry

ChelleC said...

That is a wonderful design. Thanks for providing it as a free pattern. I found it over on Ravelry. Thanks!

Megan said...

Those are lovely! I've already started rooting through the stash for the perfect yarn!

Anonymous said...

oh my! these are wonderful. I'm glad you mentioned the snugness - my favorite type of sock!

Thanks for sharing

KibitzKnitz said...

Wow. Just... Wow. Those are amazing! Into the queue they go; now to find the perfect yarn...

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pattern - thank you so much for sharing it (Seen on CRAFT magazine blog)

Anonymous said...

I started knitting your socks, because I love them. But when starting on the chart, I have a problem. Is there a fault in the third row? When I follow the chart (chart A), the purl and the knit in the back stitches will not change places, so the diagonal stripes will not appaer. The problem is the fourth stitch of the row : when the third is a yarnover then the fourth one (knit in the back) falls on the same knitted in the back stitch in row two. Can you help me?

I hope I made my problem clear to you, I Dutch, so my English could be not that good....

Anonymous said...

Oh! Just this moment I saw it.... I finally discovered that it is not you but me making a crucial mistake! Thanks for the pattern, I ll start knitting further on it right away. (I am so sorry to have bothered you with stupid questions....)

Ren said...

what gorgeous socks! the pattern is definitely going to end up in my ravelry queue! : )

Anonymous said...

These socks are so much fun - I must also make them! Fantastic design!

Ingalill said...

I just feel in love..... these socks will be my next project!

In a solid coloured yarn of course.

Thanks for sharing the pattern with us knitters and blogreaders.

Unknown said...

What an amazing pattern. Thanks for sharing:)

A nest of one. said...

These socks are pretty much the most amazing socks ever...but FAR beyond my current capabilities, lol. I think I should stick with scarves for now and maybe try a pair of leg warmers first ;) You are in my thoughts, lovely lady!